Friday, May 6, 2011

the John Rambit sketchbook (b&w/color version) part 2

O.k., here's a couple more "John Rambit: merc for hire" artwork along with small descriptions of the action. i hope you enjoy!!

 After suffering a close call at the hands of the Rabbit ninja clan, Rambit seeks further training from his Kenjutsu Sensei. during their sparring and training, Sensei tells Rambit to seek the masters of Ninjutsu called: "the stone tortoises" to advance his skills.

Rambit finally tracks down the "stone tortoises" aka "tortoise ninjas" and they put him to the test to see if he is worthy of learning their secret Ninjutsu styles. they become great allies and appear many other times during Rambit's adventures.
Having learned the art of Ninjutsu from the Tortoises, he seeks out the Rabbit Ninja clan that attacked him. and since this is Rambit we're talking about here, he leaves a trail of blood along the way!! Rabbit Ninja clans are not to be messed with so when a lone Rabbit merc starts asking questions, others will get paranoid and start sh#t..bad news for them..Rambit is "your worst nightmare"!!
Rambit finally finds the Rabbit Ninja clan and extracts his revenge!!here's the original and color version!! never forget: "don't tread on Rambit"!!!!

don't worry folks!! more of John Rambit's adventures are soon to come!! stay tuned!! (and thanks for the support!! don't forget to spread my page to your friends!!

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